Saturday, December 19, 2009


They told us not to believe
in fairytales and happy endings.

They told us not to shoot for the stars
because missing the mark
is just too damn painful.

They told us to behave and
bite our tongues
and sit back, be quiet, and watch the show.

They told us to do what we were told
and get results.

They told us how to think.
They told us not to dream.


I’m telling them all to shut their mouths
and only open them to breathe or cheer.

I’m telling you all that you’re telling yourselves
the same things they told you to believe
and that you need to STOP.

I’m telling you to stop standing polemically
and start standing affirmatively
in the name of something that inspires you so much
that the thought of its fruition
brings you to tears.

I’m telling you because I was told
by Something, Someone, Somewhere so great
that all reasons and arguments scatter to dust
in the face of what really matters to us.

I’m telling you that you and I and he and she
are not so different.

I’m asking you to give up all you’ve been holding onto,
I’m asking you to give up knowing,
I’m asking you to imagine,
to go out on the limb and risk falling down,
to venture into the unknown, knowing the risks,
and trudge that path you’ve been yearning to walk upon.

I’m asking you,
I’m pleading with you,
I’m begging you to DREAM.

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